Would you like to learn how to elevate your energy levels easily and consistently?
Today I would love to share with you, the various ways, you can elevate your energy, so that you feel great and in turn live a life that feels great.
It's a common misconception, that you need to do the same thing everyday, in the same order to feel good. Rather, why not focus on having fun and then choosing your energy elevating activity, will come easily to you. Something I love to do, to keep my creativity buzzing, is to mix up the type of activities I do.
There are 4 different ways I love to approach this - Ask yourself whether you like to fill up your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual well? Most of my clients place a huge focus on physical wellness, and this is a great starting point, but our mental, emotional & spiritual state directly impacts our physical wellness, so why not address these areas of our life too, to create harmony and balance in our lives. When we can consistently, top up these 4 different wellness wells, we start to feel better on a regular basis, and we recognise the ways, that our mind, body and soul needs loving on a day to day basis.
When you focus on these areas and give yourself what you need to feel good, this in turn, creates a ripple effect out into your greater world - Your home, your relationships, your workplace, your sport, everywhere you go, people start to take notice, because energy reaches someone, well before you even say "HELLO".
Let today, be the start of you devoting more of your time to you, so that you can create the energy within yourself, to be able to give to others in a way that feels amazing.
Energy levels are the game changer in everybody’s lives, and ALL my work is geared towards helping you raise your energy levels, so that you upgrade your life in every possible way.
I love to focus on creating “Morning Momentum” because the best chance I’ve got to boost my energy levels is in the morning.
So I tend to focus on the 3M’S.
The 3 M's are my secret to creating "MORNING MOMENTUM"!
What does this even mean, you're thinking?
Well, I factor the 3 M’s into my morning to give me the best chance of starting my day on the front foot and boosting my energy levels.
But if the 3 M’s don’t excite you, don't do it because this is what I do, I’d love for you to find something that does excite you and works for you.
I’ve listed “22 WAYS YOU CAN ELEVATE YOUR ENERGY LEVELS” now, so pick your favourite and go and try it out for yourself. These ALL work, and the magic really happens, when you start combining them together, like exercising out in nature, whilst you listen to an inspirational podcast, or doing a walking meditation or meditating on the beach, before going for an ocean swim. Seriously, this is magic, and is leaves you feeling amazing, relaxed and re-charges your energy levels.
The examples I have listed below for you, cover all four of these wellness foundations, so start with one thing that excites you on the list below, and try it out for yourself. If you love it, then keep doing it, be consistent and in time, it will be come a beautiful experience that adds so much value to your life.
Alternatively, feel into which area of wellness, you'd like to focus on right now in your life, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL or SPIRITUAL and choose something off the list below, which falls under this area of wellness.
1. Meditate
2. Get out into Nature
3. Go for a Walk
4. Hug a Tree
5. Work with Crystal Energy
6. Work with an Energy Healer (Schedule a healing with me)
7. Go for a Beach Swim
8. Go for a Surf/ Boogie Board
9. Walk Barefoot on Mother Earth
10. Exercise Out in Nature
11. Dance around to your Favourite Song
12. Give someone you love a HUGE HUG.
13. Soul Conversations with your Soul Sisters (Join my Soul Sister Circle)
14. Send Loving Energy to Someone you Love
15. Receive Loving Energy from Someone you Love
16. Visualise how you’d like your day to play out in your mind
17. Observe and Upgrade your Mindset – Your Thoughts Create your Experiences
18. Listen to an inspirational podcast (Check out my Soul2SoulWellness Podcast)
19. Read an Inspirational Book.
21. Go to Sleep a little earlier and wake up a little later
22. Get some SUN THERAPY, sit outside in the SUN for 20 minutes.