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Writer's pictureKaye Vlachos

Softening Into Myself

As I get older, I’ve noticed a softening into myself, a softening of myself (I’ve mentioned my less than muscular triceps to a few of my soul sisters on multiple occasions now) and a softening in my approach to living my life. As someone who has always set herself some super high standards, loved the feeling of training as much as I can physically and living life with a purposeful focus, I find myself now heading into a stage, where I crave a different way of being. Right now, I feel drawn to relaxing more, to connecting with my loved ones more , moving my body in a softer way, and to accept the softening that comes with the physical ageing process. It’s definitely taken a minute for me, to process the latter, as at times, it feels completely unfamiliar, but the more I accept, the more I allow myself to soften, the more free I feel within myself and the more content I am. The more I embrace myself as I am now, the less I compare, the less I worry, the more I soften into myself. I wonder, if this is a process you find yourself going through as well in your own life. I want you to know that it’s 100% OK to soften & shift when it comes to your…… + Spiritual Focus + Daily Rituals + Parenting Style + Relationships + Your connection with yourself + Career Goals + Expectations for your Life + Intuitive Growth + Manifesting Mojo + Health Focus + Inner Happiness + Emotional Well-being Accept how you feel right now and allow your heart to guide you. There is no one way to live life, in fact, looking back on my life, I am realising that the call to shift or change direction, is often where we find the gold. For me, the call to soften across all areas of my life, feels like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders, a weight I choose to carry. The weight of my expectations for myself which I really don’t need to have there in the first place. What if 2021, is the year, I soften into myself, allow myself to create and grow from this place? This would mean less hustle, less rushing and taking things off my to do list………..I think I’m up for this and I hope if you are feeling this way too, are you up for using this change in direction & pace as a positive sign in your life? I do hope so! Softening into myself, means + Connecting more deeply with my inner wisdom + Allowing myself to just be & feel content + Acceptance of myself as I am right now + Feeling into the love that exists in my life in a more meaningful way + Embracing a new way, if this is unfamiliar to me + Healing myself on all levels + Resting & Relaxing more Sounds amazing right? Are you with me? I will be hosting my first in person event, on Sunday, 28th February 2-4pm Brisbane Australia Time, here on the Sunshine Coast, QLD. This beautiful event is for spiritually focussed teens, who are super keen to learn about how they can feel more empowered, through learning how to manifest with purpose, use angel cards in their daily lives and to trust in their intuition in their daily lives. Please help me to share the word about this event, it will be a lot of fun, and we will learn together, share together and manifest together of course. All the details for this event can be viewed here Download my E-book and start re-connecting with the most important in your life……….YOU! Kaye's 1:1 Manifesting Mojo Mentoring Sessions & Energy Healings are available world wide – Kaye is based on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia and also offers "in person" mentoring to Sunshine Coast based clients and "Distance Healings" are available via zoom/phone. You can reach out to Kaye at to schedule your 1:1 Energy Healing with her today and via Instagram and Facebook @kayevlachos-soul2soulwellness Get your "Manifesting Mojo" on right now, and download my new online workshop here and start manifesting the life you want NOW.

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