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Dream Journeying Program


Dream Journeying with Kaye is a 3 month immersive experience, jam packed with so much goodness.

Does the idea of teaming up with me excite you?
Are you ready to manifest your dreams and desires on purpose?
Access a higher level of consciousness to bring through your own intuitive downloads yourself?
Lean into your intuitively guided life on the daily & trust yourself so deeply, that you'll never want to live any other way?

If you're a HELL YEAH and you are ready to dive in deep with me, transform your current belief patterns, to become an energetic match for your dreams and desires, you are ready to answer your intuition's call.

Reach out below and know that I am sooooo excited to meet with you very soon.

1:1 Mentoring


Mindset Mastery with Kaye, offers you the opportunity to book in a one on one zoom session with Kaye for any of the following reasons

+ You are sitting on the fence with regards to diving in deep with "Dream Journeying with Kaye" and would like to try this out, before you commit to your 3 month immersive journey with me.
+ You would like to book in one on one sessions with me, to suit your current schedule, because it suits you better.
+ You'd like one power session with me, to brainstorm one particular area of your life, that you feel, I can help you with, so you can go out and take inspired action on your own, to see what magic you create for yourself ( I LOVE THIS SO MUCH)!
In what way, can I support you right now?
Well, my mindset coaching and energy healing abilities, allow me to support you in EVERY AREA of your life & I have been helping my clients in the following areas for the last decade & you can book a 1on1 zoom session with me, for any of the following -

Thriving through illness | Thriving through self doubt | Clarity & Purpose | Manifesting Dreams & Desires | Manifesting as a collective | Improving self esteem |Connecting to your intuitive guidance with confidence | Identifying the ways your intuition speaks to you | Conscious & Intuitive Parenting |  Teen Well-Being |  Tween Well-Being |  Athlete Empowerment ( Kaye was an elite athlete for 15 years, read all about this here).

I often find that clients find me, when they keep running into dead ends in their life & I am their last resort. I look forward to the day, when I am your first resort, to save you all the money and effort, in running into the dead ends, but then again, this is all part of your life journey right?

Energy Healings


Heart Awakening Energy Healing - In Person - Caloundra West - Sunshine Coast - 90min Immersive Healing where Kaye will intuitively share with you unique guidance coming through for you as well - Kaye blends together a variety of intuitive healing modalities -

Your personal intuitive healing experience may include -

Spirit Drum Sound Healing
Crystal Sound Vibrational Healing
Crystal Grid Creation
Intuitive Messages for you
Oracle card reading
Intention Activation
Manifesting Mindset Mentoring
Deeply Conscious Conversation
Divine Energy Channel Creation
Sacred Sprays

Kaye's unique healing philosophy, integrates her unique blend of healing modalities she specialises in partnership with her manifesting mindset empowerment method, to re-connect you with your own intuitive abilities, so that you too can empower yourself in this way in your life.

Awaken your heart in the most beautiful way with this 90 min immersive healing experience with me.

Please reach out to Kaye at to enquire about hosting a Soul Sister Circle in your home or a Corporate Mindset Workshop in your work place

It was time for some healing and nurturing today

I had the most amazing healing with Kaye today. It was so much more than I expected. Kaye provides a welcoming, nurturing and calm energy, there was lots of releasing, answers, messages and my Nanny came through which was amazing. I walked away feeling so much lighter and so much happier and excited about the next journey and adventures in my personal life as well as the businesses.

Thank you so much Kaye

-Simone Michelle

I’m feeling super grateful - NLP is taking my client’s healing experiences to the next level, it’s incredible!


“During hard times in our life's we all need help, we all need people around us that we can trust and most importantly we need to reach out and connect to the right people. I have found myself in the most challenging time of my life. I've got the most AMAZING support crew, from friends, family and clients and I've also got Kaye!


Yesterday I had one of the most amazing experiences in my life with Kaye from Soul 2 Soul Wellness. A big part of my job as a dog trainer is energy. I'm a big believer in the power of energy when working with dogs. What I'm not good at is understanding and knowing how to harness my own energy properly in my personal life. In steps Kaye... What an unbelievably uplifting and inspiring session I had with Kaye from Soul 2 Soul Wellness. It wasn't all rainbows and unicorns though, Kaye was amazing with helping me unlock and release suppressed trauma. It was hard and there were many tears but OMG it was amazing.


I've know Kaye since we were 14-15 years of age. I hadn't spoken to Kaye for a few years but reaching out to her for help was the best decision ever. Kaye made me feel extremely safe. She is honestly just so gifted and I would recommend anyone experiencing hardship to reach out to Kaye. For anyone wanting to tap into their spiritual self, Kaye can help you. Her ability to understand what you need is just scary, I'm not sure how she does it. I'll certainly be booking another session. I love you Kaye, thank you for the trust, support and the cuddles. Thank you for allowing me to be me, making me feel safe when at my most vulnerable. Your truly are a beautiful soul.


Kat - Kats4Dogs, Sunshine Coast, QLD -

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