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So many of us are living in OVERWHELM 24/7!

Can you relate?

I know this, because this was me, feeling like I had to be able to be in control over EVERYTHING in my life. As the CEO of our household, I managed my family’s daily schedule, bookkeeping tasks, daily meals, groceries, present buying, dropping and picking up of our children, doctors appointments, walking our dogs, sporting activities and the list goes on.

Now here’s the thing... hubby is our primary cleaner at home, maintenance guru & dishwasher at night, so he already does a LOT, for which I’m super thankful. We are a TEAM in every sense of the word, doing life together and trying our best to be there for each other. This year, we’ve chosen to include a lot in our schedule, and yes, it has been a choice, so I’m not a victim here AT ALL, with both of us coaching several sporting teams, running 2 x businesses between us, caring for our daughters and prioritising our own self care.

A couple of months ago though, “OVERWHELM” came to visit & I was feeling like, it was all too much. There were tears, heart to heart chats & a realisation, that something needed to give for me to re-connect with myself & chill out more. At the time, it all felt a little dramatic, but I’ve come to know that when “OVERWHELM” comes to visit, it means that it is time for me to make a simple mindset switch and wish overwhelm goodbye at the front door.

With our FULL family schedules, my coaching commitments, the declining amount of healthy meals making it to our family dining table through winter, I knew it was time to re-assess and simplify. I realised that I wasn’t as “tuned in” to my needs as I like to be, and started to reflect on what needed to change for me, in order to restore harmony in our home and in my heart.

So I made a few decisions for our family, in order to re-direct our focus to our home life, dropping a few commitments outside the home, that would enable us all more time at home, just to be. This also meant I would have more time, to chill, meditate, be in nature & exercise, all things I love to do. It didn’t go down well with my eldest daughter, because it meant that she would miss out on trialling for a sport team, she so dearly wanted to try out for. My heart went out to her, but my heart was calling me home, to relax, put my feet up more and re-charge my batteries. I explained to her that I needed to honour my needs in this moment, even if this meant disappointing her this time. I took full responsibility for this decision and hoped she would see my view point, once she’d had time to process her feelings about this decision. I needed some time chill out, without all the sporting commitments, and I knew if we didn’t take some time out now, we were all going to end up burnt out and exhausted by the end of the year and head into 2020 severely depleted energetically.

Now, that we are a few months down the track, I am so glad that I made this decision – My mind, body & soul have enjoyed more quiet afternoons at home, relaxing together. I’m making the time to re-connect with friends in the way that feels good for me & my family are enjoying our time together in the evenings and on weekends and I’m happy to say that I’m back in the kitchen, with a fridge stocked full of healthier options, rather, than my last minute dashes to the supermarket to grab whatever easy to cook meals, a regular occurrence throughout winter this year for us.

When I am in overwhelm, all it takes for me, is a simple mindset switch. I can choose to reduce my feeling of overwhelm, by taking things off my to do list or by delegating to others. I’ve chosen to do both this time. I’ve chosen to focus on the tasks that are important to me, reduce our daily load by not saying “YES” to EVERYTHING and my daughters are helping with me with daily activities, like walking our dogs and with taking our washing off the line each day.

If you are feeling overwhelmed in your life at the moment, do the following: - Delete some things off your to do list

- Delegate to others

- Ask for help

- Do ALL OF THE ABOVE. Give this a go and let me know below what you’ve decided to let go of, to reduce overwhelm in your life. " Have a beautiful day,

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