I find that most of us equate, getting older with OK, it’s time to STOP having FUN!
This couldn’t be further from the truth, in my life. Having fun, is becoming more and more important to me, as I get older. As I have farewelled, important loved ones in my life over the last decade or so, who have left this life time, it has made me reflect, on what really matters to me. When it’s my time, what will I have hoped I have accomplished in my life.You might think, that it’s the big beautiful house, the fancy car and lots of money. But really, when it comes down to the crunch, for me, I really hope that I lived a great life, full of love, laughter, lots of adventures, and most of all that all the FUN TIMES I’ve experienced, remain in my heart forever and of course, that I can remember them!
This is what TRULY matters to me!
I can hear you now, thinking, but what about all my responsibilities and obligations?
I have a job, I have a house to run, I have kids to ferry to and from school, then to and from sport, instrumental lessons and dance classes, this isn’t always fun right?
My inbox at work, is always full, my house is a mess, OH, and I have to think about meal prep EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Here’s the thing…..
We get to choose, how, we want to live our lives.
YES, I agree, there are times when life doesn’t feel like FUN, I’ve had many of these moments myself.
Like, when your gorgeous first born, takes 32 hours to make her grand entrance into your life, and you haven’t slept for 24 hours – YES – A total of 56 hours without sleep, and then I was supposed to have the energy, to go through the labouring process, to birth her.
Like, when I get a call from my husband, my then 3yr old, had projectile vomited all over his car, and he was stuck on the freeway, and by the way, could I make the 30 minute drive out to him, and pick her up in my car.
Like, when I had to travel back on the plane from Thailand, with my family, with a high fever, rolled straight into bed, upon my arrival home, and was sick for the next month, only to find out I had contracted “Cryptosporidium Parvum” on my holiday, and “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s not treatable, you just have to ride it out hun.”
Like, at the age of 7, I witnessed my little sister be struck my a car, thank God, she survived!!!!!
Like, more recently, when my family, found out LIVE on “The Project”, that we had lost a loved one in a tragic car accident, and that sadly, he had not made it.
We are ALL going to experience struggles and more difficult times in our life, for some of us, life throws us more curve balls, than others seem to have to deal with, but not every day, needs to feel like this.
Make the most of the good times, inject FUN moments into your day.
Make time to hang out with your family….joke around with each other…..play sport with your friends…..Life has it’s serious moments, and is meant to be FUN too!
Laughter is directly linked your mental and emotional well-being, so why isn’t it a priority for us.
I don’t know anyone that doesn’t love to laugh, it is one of the best feelings in the world.
I challenge you to make FUN a priority for yourself this week…….and see what happens for you!