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Mastering my Mindset starts in your Heart

How do you master your mindset when your to-do list is as long as your arm?

I have a family to look after, two young daughters who rely on me, a heart-centred business I’m pouring my loving attention into & sporting activities to attend on a daily basis.

My whole focus as a young mum revolved around everybody else at the expense of my own health & wellness. I have to admit these expectations were totally self imposed & I needed to burnout before I made the decision to prioritise my own needs.

Fast forward 5-6 years & what I know for sure is that it’s no longer super important to get everything done on my to-do list but rather I've learnt it's more important to prioritise what is important to me to get done & I have to admit I'm still learning to surrender when it comes to not getting it ALL done.

My goal is to live a heart-centred life, not be SUPERWOMAN.

In keeping with my word of the year “SIMPLIFY” today I want to share with you my simplistic 3 step approach to creating the life your heart trully desires.

My super easy & effective wellness tips for you….

+ What are THE areas of your life you wish you had more time for?

​+ Pour your loving attention into these areas of your life

What you put your focus & attention on in your life will grow, whether that be your relationships, fitness, creative expression, physical nourishment, work or study.

So take a moment to ask yourself the following question -

Are you putting your time & energy into the areas you want to right now or is it time to make some adjustments & change your focus into the areas which you know will add value to your life?

In my experience when I prioritise my heart’s desires many of the things on my to-do list become redundant because they are just not that important to me anymore.

Spiritual nourishment is super important to me & I’ve noticed that when I pour positive energy into the things I do, my days flow with ease & when my energy levels are low I really struggle.

Meditation, Gratitude & Prayer are my daily go to’s & they are instant mood boosters.

Physical nourishment is important too & I'm keeping it simple right now, as long as I greet my hubby & 2 daughters with a kiss each morning, brush my teeth, have a morning shower & eat a super nourishing brekkie I feel great.

The other optional activities I absolutely love & seriously bump up my energy levels include -

+ Exercising outside in nature

+ Playing sport

+ Yoga

+ Getting a great night’s sleep

+ Listen to inspiring podcasts

+ Playing with my family & friends

+ Listening to old school 90’s RnB tunes on soundcloud

+ Getting a relaxing body massage

I learnt to master my mindset by tuning into my heart's desires & taking inspired action around this & you can totally do this too!

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