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kaye vlachos

How would it feel, to live a life, where you focus on cultivating a kind mind, on a daily basis, just for yourself?

How would it feel, to absolutely love hanging out with yourself, because you’d taken the time to create this beautiful mindset?

How would it feel, to know that spending the time cultivating a beautiful mindset, will transform your life in the most powerful way?

Would you do it?

Would you make the time to cultivate a kind mindset then?

Most people like to see the proof of something, before they try it for themselves.

There is also the small minority, who just feel the power of doing something & go for it, because they feel the power of the transformation, before they indeed take action in their life.

It doesn’t matter which way works for you, what does matter, is that you take action for yourself.

You see, I believe, the missing link for so many of us right now……….We have not been brought up to value peace of mind, honour our mindset and really love our minds for the amazing power she has to contribute to our lives.

I see the value of cultivating a beautiful mindset, and I am sharing this with anyone who will listen to me.

This is SUPER IMPORTANT, if you want to live a fulfilling life, if you want to teach your children to live a fulfilling life, if you want to create an amazing life for yourself.

One of the ways that you can start doing this for yourself, if you indeed know, that your mindset state is not so helpful to you right now?


+ Criticising yourself

+ Drop your Expectations

+ Berating yourself

+ Being self deprecating

+ Putting yourself down for making mistakes…..making mistakes is one of the ways we learn in life


+ Use mantras and affirmations to train your brain to create positive thoughts

+ Spend time with positive peeps, who want you to succeed in life

+ The things in life which excite you

+ Cultivate a KIND MIND for LIFE

+ Listen to positive media (Did you know I have a podcast show dedicated to positivity – Listen here!)

+ Listen to songs with uplifting lyrics

+ Dance more

+ Pray more

+ Journal more

What if I told you that a KIND MIND, attracts to her more KINDNESS IN EVERY WAY?

Would you believe me?

Would you be keen to give it a go?

What have you got to lose, if you don’t?

Would you be prepared to continue living a life, where you continue to…..

+ Criticising yourself

+ Hold your high expectations close to your heart

+ Berating yourself

+ Being self deprecating

+ Putting yourself down for making mistakes…..making mistakes is one of the ways we learn in life


Is this the kind of life you want to continue to live?

It really is your choice, how you live your life, but all these things, I’ve listed above, go a long way to lowering my self esteem and stopping me from feeling good in my skin, and because these things don’t add any value to the quality of my life, I prefer to focus on the aspects and activities which help me grow and feel good in my skin.


+ Use mantras and affirmations to train my brain to create positive thoughts

+ Spend time with positive peeps, who want me to succeed in my life

+ The things in life which excite ME

+ Cultivate a KIND MIND for my LIFE, FOR LIFE

+ Listen to positive media (YES I LISTEN TO MY OWN SHOW & YOU CAN TOO – Listen here!)

+ Listen to songs with uplifting lyrics

+ Dance in my shower

+ Pray more

+ Journal more

Now it’s your TURN………What are you choosing to do for yourself today, to add more value to your life and show yourself you are worth it………..Does the idea of cultivating a KIND MIND excite you?

I do hope SO!

What will your life look like in five years time, if you keep going the way you’re going now?

This is the exact Q I asked myself, ten years ago, when I was in over my head, and I don’t want you to have to hit rock bottom, because you don’t need to.

I’ve created this e-book specifically with you in mind….to help you tune into your feelings, and thrive through re-discovery of your amazingness.

Download my E-book and start re-connecting with the most important in your life……….YOU!

Kaye's 1:1 Manifesting Mojo Mentoring Sessions & Energy Healings are available world wide – Kaye is based on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia and also offers "in person" mentoring to Sunshine Coast based clients and "Distance Healings" are available via zoom/phone.

You can reach out to Kaye at to schedule your 1:1 Energy Healing with her today and via Instagram and Facebook @kayevlachos-soul2soulwellness

Get your "Manifesting Mojo" on right now, and download my new online workshop here and start manifesting the life you want NOW.

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