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Do you have new moon ritual which you follow around the time of the new moon?

I love this time of the month, because, the new moon energy is a time to;

+ Set new intentions for yourself

+ Re-visit current intentions

+ Sit in meditation, feeling into your heart’s desire’s

+ Co-create through manifesting, dreaming, visualising and goal creation.

+ Use your spiritual tools i.e. angel cards, crystals and journals to create a new moon ritual

I love when the new moon rolls around, because the clearing and shifting that happens leading up to this moon phase, creates the beautiful space to focus on our soul expansion.

Following the moon phases, as little as I know about it from an astrological point of view, has been great for me, because, I have started to pay more attention to how I feel during the different moon phases (specifically new moon and full moon phases).

I know there is a lot more to this, and there are different moon phases which are important, I am choosing to let myself feel into this and learn about the different moon phases, when I intuitively feel ready to do so.

From a manifesting perspective, I am fascinated by the NEW Moon phase, and this chance to manifest in this way, connecting with lunar energy.

There is so much learn right about the nature’s way with us, and to tell you the truth, this can sometimes be a little or a lot overwhelming for my brain, so I choose to feel my way through each month.

Are you a spiritual newbie?

All you need to do is tune into how you are feeling right now with the new moon energy?

Are you feeling creative?

Are you feeling energised?

Do you feel light and expansive in your heart?

This is a great starting point!!!!!

I listen to my body, what she needs, what she is calling me to do and then lean into what she’s asking me to do.

Sometimes I miss the signs, like this week.

Leading into this New Moon Week, I have actually been called to rest and sleep more. My body decided to slow me right down, in conjunction with the powerful energy we have all been feeling this last week.

So I know better, than to push through lethargy and tiredness.

This week I listened, I rested more, I slept more, I asked for help more.

I didn’t put expectations on getting better, like I would in the past, instead, I just trusted my body would know, and I decided to be a little more patient than I usually am, when I don’t feel well.

My family could see I wasn’t my normal self, and my eldest daughter stepped up to cook dinners for our family, whilst I re-energised my body………my husband picked up the slack with school drop offs, so I could sleep in, and pick ups where he could, bless his heart, my girls caught the bus home where

I would normally pick them up, and my youngest daughter is really wonderful at checking in on me, when I’m not feeling well.

It warms my heart, when my family rallies around me like this……..

I watched a lot more Netflix shows that I usually do, letting my body recover in the way she needed to, in fact, she is still recovering, however I do feel sooooo much better.

If you’re keen to really dive into this new moon energy and manifest to your heart’s content, take a look at my online “Manifesting Mojo” workshop, which will walk you through the simple ways you can manifest.

You will discover how you are already manifesting in your life, perhaps not even conscious that you already are.

+ Becoming conscious of how you are already manifesting, will take your manifesting to another level.

+ Manifest with the New Moon energy and watch your life experiences transform beautifully.

+ Jump on the manifesting train with the rest of my Positive Vibe Tribe.

I fell into this spiritual journey, once I became a mama to my 2 gorgeous girls, and from the start, I knew, they we were meant to journey this time together.

My two gorgeous girls are now teens ( I still can't believe this), and I continue to support them on their journey, in every way I can.

I have noticed that there is not much spiritual support for teens in my local community, and so I am creating a space for them to come together.

I see so many teens struggling through this stage in their lives, and I know there is a better way for them. I know there is a more gentle way for them to explore their identity, discover how amazing they are and within a sacred and safe space.

So many teens are following the route we followed as teenagers, and this highlights to me, that I need to do better as parent of a teen.

I want to show them a fun way to discover who they are, introduce them to like-hearted souls on their own spiritual journeys, so they can connect and collaborate with these amazing souls.

I want to show them how amazing they already are, that ALL teens are discovering themselves, that you can connect with yourself through play, learning to listen to your intuition, learning that she has your best interests at heart, ALWAYS!

We have many women's circles providing this for women now, why not provide such a beautiful space for teens too?

I will be hosting my first in person event, on Sunday, 28th February 2-4pm Brisbane Australia Time, here on the Sunshine Coast, QLD.

This beautiful event is for spiritually focussed teens, who are super keen to learn about how they can feel more empowered, through learning how to manifest with purpose, use angel cards in their daily lives and to trust in their intuition in their daily lives.

Please help me to share the word about this event, it will be a lot of fun, and we will learn together, share together and manifest together of course.

All the details for this event can be viewed here

Download my E-book and start re-connecting with the most important in your life……….YOU!

Kaye's 1:1 Manifesting Mojo Mentoring Sessions & Energy Healings are available world wide – Kaye is based on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia and also offers "in person" mentoring to Sunshine Coast based clients and "Distance Healings" are available via zoom/phone.

You can reach out to Kaye at to schedule your 1:1 Energy Healing with her today and via Instagram and Facebook @kayevlachos-soul2soulwellness

Get your "Manifesting Mojo" on right now, and download my new online workshop here and start manifesting the life you want NOW.

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