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kaye vlachos


In my experience, the way I choose to start my day, has a massive impact on the way my day ends up playing out.

So I consciously begin my day, with positive affirming habits and actions.

My days involve slotting in my self care in and around my obligations and responsibilities, and it has taken me sometime to get to this place, of understanding the value of taking care of ME, and how much better I feel when I do.

So, what does this look like for me right now?

  • MINDSET - I read affirmations from Louise Hay's "Heart Thoughts" for 5 minutes upon waking and before my head hits the pillow at night.

  • MEDITATE - I meditate most mornings before or after I drop my girls at school.

  • MOVEMENT - I move my body outside in nature, as much as I can and when I can’t do this, I might go to the gym or play Oztag with my daughter. Moving outside in nature right now includes body surfing, boogie boarding, walking or beach sprints.

These 3 M's form a pretty solid foundation for me to wake up fully, create a mindset state that is more positive than negative, and movement gets my energy flowing and helps me process my emotions as well as leaving me feeling good in my skin.

There is a reason I do these things in the morning.

1. I feel damn good when I take positive action in my day.

2. I am a much nicer person to be around.

3. I have more to give to my family, my friends and my clients.

4. I function better throughout my day and am more productive.

5. My creative juices flow more easily and I can create with ease, which brings me joy.

This morning routine, creates a momentum which keeps me motivated for the most part –

Of course, I experience messy mornings too, that don’t play out to plan sometimes, but for the most part, my mornings are peaceful & easy, my family have a few laughs together before we go our separate ways, because I have created this intention for myself, before I hop out of bed.

You are probably wondering, where the other “M” word is, that I talk about A LOT.

I do have a 4th M, which is a by product of the positive affirmations that I recite in the morning.


I intentionally and purposefully train my mind to transform my thought patterns, into helpful thought patterns that help me to feel great, and take actions, that help me to maintain a mindset state that I’m proud of.

I’ve noticed too, that when I take care of my own mindset, I am better able to help others with their mindset state too. There is domino effect, that impacts others positively.

So when you manifest, you are not only helping yourself, you can help others too.

As a mama, this is great motivation for me, to get my mindset state right, because, when I help myself, I help my children, I help my partner, I help the athletes I coach……… get where I’m going right?

Want to manifest some amazing experiences for yourself & your loved ones?

Then, take care of yourself…….Ensure you focus on your energy levels daily……..Elevate them if you need to, or better still, get pro-active and create a morning routine where the actions you take are ensuring your energy levels remain high.

If you’re not sure where to start, why not try my morning routine and see if it works for you.

It really doesn’t matter where you start, what matters, is that you start somewhere.

When you set the intention to start, ideas will come to you, that align with your heart’s desires, follow your curiosity.

Do you have a way that you love to create morning momentum for yourself, that you love to do?

How is it working for you?

Do you feel great, or could you add something else to your morning routine, that could take your well-being to the next level?

Always pay attention, tweak your morning routine when you need to, and don’t be afraid to change it up.

Your body needs different things at different times, so listen to what she’s calling you to do, and let your intuition guide you.

Still stuck for ideas?

Then try this……..

Nature.............Nature is my problem solver............Nature heals, when I connect with her…..She brings me into the present moment, when I stand in her wonder and appreciation, for what she gifts to me.

She helps me ground, she fills me with energy when I sit in her sun light, she clears my energy when I place my hands on a tree and she gives me clarity when I walk in her presence.

So start your day in a positive way and let me know the shifts that you start seeing in your life in the most magical way.

Have you mastered your manifesting technique yet?

If you feel you are not able to do this, did you know that I have created a downloadable workshop, so that you can learn how to manifest in the comfort of your own home.

Do this workshop with your children and your hubby, and why not get everyone manifesting in your family - I always say, there is power in numbers and the power of collective manifesting is HUGE!

Start small and go big, I believe we can manifest whatever we want - Just ask for it and go for it!

If you want more assistance with your manifesting right now, check out my manifesting mojo downloadable workshop_ My bestie purchased it for herself recently (wanting to support me and the beautiful work I get to do) and hey presto......4 days later she received an offer on her Sunshine Coast beachside unit, which had been for sale for 5 months or more. She has since sold her unit and she will tell you herself, "MANIFESTING WORKS".

She used this to manifest some big stuff in her life, and you can equally use my steps to manifest the small stuff, as long as it's close to your heart, it will work.

I'm also teaching children how to manifest in my mentoring sessions is super powerful when your child realises that power lies within her ability to imagine, dream and manifest for herself. Seriously, I wish my parents were able to teach me this when I was younger.

I spent so much time teaching my daughters when they were young, and it is second nature for them now, to manifest into their lives, whatever they want - It's pretty special to watch your children, get the magic, and then know how to create the magic for themselves.

What I have taught my daughters, I have packaged into a 70 minutes downloadable video workshop for you.

This manifesting mojo stuff needs to go viral, so everyone can learn how to do it for themselves.

At just $33 this is going to help you set the foundations for the rest of your life..........pretty affordable hey?

As always, follow your intuition with this, if you feel drawn check her out, and if you don't, this is your intuition speaking too.

But gee, I do hope you do, because I know how much this is going to help transform your world for the better.

Get your manifesting mojo on below -

Remember, I want to hear back from you and all the amazing experiences you start manifesting for yourself, when you start your day in a positive way.

Kaye's 1:1 Manifesting Mojo Mentoring Sessions & Energy Healings are available world wide – Kaye is based on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia and also offers "in person" mentoring to Sunshine Coast based clients and "Distance Healings" are available via zoom/phone.

You can reach out to Kaye at to schedule your 1:1 Energy Healing with her today and via Instagram and Facebook @kayevlachos-soul2soulwellness

Get your "Manifesting Mojo" on right now, and download my new online workshop here and start manifesting the life you want NOW.

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