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kaye vlachos


In my practice right now, I am seeing some of my amazing clients, who are currently navigating some pretty tricky life circumstances, and this can sometimes, add another layer of resistance, in our hearts, when it comes to trusting and believing that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, when life has thrown you lemons.

I’m so thankful that these clients are indeed trusting me, with these sometimes extra-ordinary struggles, that require firm emotional support & lots of hand holding through to the other side. I love holding hands with my clients, being a pillar of support, often cheering them on, as well as offering emotional & spiritual guidance if this is needed.

I’ve personally navigated tricky times in my own life, times which have required me to lean into my faith and use the well-being tools, I often preach about, here in this beautiful online sanctuary.

One of the major traumatic times I lived through, was witnessing my younger sister be run over by a car. I did not receive the emotional support I needed at the time, because, the priority, was of course, my sisters physical & emotional well-being. My 7yrs young self, didn’t even know she needed to be supported, & I like everyone else, wanted what was best for my sister at the time. I knew instinctively, when I heard her blood curdling screams and saw the copious amount of blood streaming from her leg, that she was in deep trouble, and on a subconscious level, I learnt very young that life is precious.

I suppressed my feelings, because what no one realised at the time, was that I had also been traumatised myself emotionally, but, because I didn’t want to talk about the accident, my support network, thought it would be best to just let me be, and felt they were supporting me, by not pressuring me to speak. I kept these feelings suppressed in my body, for more than 20 years. For more than 20 years, I didn’t even know I was traumatised, until I was having what I like to call my “Quarter Life Crisis”, after I retired as an elite athlete. I felt depressed about my life, and I visited the most wonderful counsellor, who through our time together, helped me to realise that I had actually blocked out many childhood memories.

I was 28 years young, when I first started to learn, that I needed to feel my feelings, in order to heal them.

This sparked my deep dive into personal development, because, the healing I experienced during my “Quarter Life Crisis”, where my counsellor held my hand, as I walked out my short term depression, slowly and tentatively, helped me realise the power of emotional support when an amazing someone, knows how to hold space for you to share what’s on your heart.

My next crisis of confidence, came when I fell pregnant with my 2nd child. I was a little overwhelmed (or a lot) with the idea of experiencing labour pains AGAIN, and the thought that I was destined to experience another 32 hour labour. I decided, that I was going to empower myself, and came across a brilliant book called “BIRTH SKILLS” by Juju Sundin & Sarah Murdoch. This was the first time, I learnt how to use coping tools to navigate a painful situation, and I filled up my toolkit, with the suggestions, recommended in this book, and felt so much more empowered in my 2nd labour, even though she was in a posterior position and burst her way into our lives, in 4hrs.

This experience, gave me proof, of the power of my mind, even with massive labour contractions, doing their best to distract me along the way. I learnt that I could distract myself from the pain, by using practical tools to take my focus elsewhere, it was brilliant, and I wanted to tell everyone about this. I also started meditating daily during my 2nd pregnancy and these combined well-being practices, transformed my experience.

About 5yrs ago, my hubby lost his job, being dumped unceremoniously from the company, he was supposed to be a director of, without warning. We lost close friends & colleagues, and we also garnered incredible support from our loved ones, including some of his amazing clients, who chose to step up and support him through this time. My hubby faced unfounded allegations thrown at him, none of which had substance, and he felt like his name was being dragged through the mud. Now I know, that we are not the first family to navigate this situation, and we won’t be the last, but it was a time, where for the first time I watched my hubby question his own identity.

I needed to step up and be his pillar of support, which I have to be honest, I wasn’t sure about at first. We had some really honest, raw and vulnerable conversations around whether any of these allegations were true, and once I felt comfortable with the situation, I decided that we as a family, were going to find a way to thrive through this situation.

I made sure we had lots of fun, as well as going for lots of therapeutic nature walks. We jet skied together and re-connected in a way that we’d never done before. I wanted him to look back on this part of his life as being positive more than the bitterness he felt, when he was discarded.

This required me to lean into the faith, that I knew to be true, and really trust in everything I talk about.

When I look back on this time, I distinctively remember leaning heavily into my well-being tools.

I really needed them to get through.

I prayed.

I spent many nights talking to my angels, passed loved ones, Jesus, Buddha, God & Mary.

I exercised a lot, outside in nature.

I sang in my car.

I remained hopeful that we would find another way to bring in money.

I counted the many blessings that already existed in my life

I meditated with my husband, through this time.

I spent many mornings down at the beach, with my hubby, swimming……….BLISS

We consciously chose to make the most of what you could call a shitty situation, and not resign ourselves to being victims, we were never victims.

We accepted full responsibility for our situation, put our big boy and big girl pants on, and started re-shaping our lives for our family.

We now run 2 businesses between us both, Soul2SoulWellness and S2S Floors, we are examples of how you can turn lemons into lemonade beautiful, and if you are deep in the muck, right now, finding it hard to see the light, I want you to know, that you will be OK.

Lean into your FAITH, whatever this means to you. Lean in hard and TRUST, that you will get through this tricky, difficult & vulnerable time.

Accept your situation, as much as you can, and if you need to, use the tools, I leaned into, to get through.

These 7 well-being tools helped us thrive through this time, and we have come out the other side feeling great & upgrading our lives in so many ways.

1. Prayer

2. Talking to my spiritual support team. i.e. Angels, Passed Loved Ones, Jesus, God, Buddha, Mary

3. Movement

4. Music

5. Hope

6. Gratitude

7. Meditation

8. Beach Swims

Life’s struggles can be blessings in disguise, calling you to face your fears, calling you in the direction, you are really suppose to be heading.

I’ve learnt that it is through life’s struggles, that I get to see how strong I can be, even if at the time, it may not be ideal, I’m going to give it my best shot.

What will your life look like in five years time, if you keep going the way you’re going now?

This is the exact Q I asked myself, ten years ago, when I was in over my head, and I don’t want you to have to hit rock bottom, because you don’t need to.

I’ve created this e-book specifically with you in mind….to help you tune into your feelings, and thrive through re-discovery of your amazingness.

Download my E-book and start re-connecting with the most important in your life……….YOU!

Kaye's 1:1 Manifesting Mojo Mentoring Sessions & Energy Healings are available world wide – Kaye is based on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia and also offers "in person" mentoring to Sunshine Coast based clients and "Distance Healings" are available via zoom/phone.

You can reach out to Kaye at to schedule your 1:1 Energy Healing with her today and via Instagram and Facebook @kayevlachos-soul2soulwellness

Get your "Manifesting Mojo" on right now, and download my new online workshop here and start manifesting the life you want NOW.

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