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Quite simply, I didn’t!

I’ve no amazing stories of how I discovered my abilities, rather, it is in putting the puzzle pieces of my life together, reflecting back, that I noticed my intuitive abilities were always there!

So I’m being guided to share with you right now, a couple of my own personal experiences, in the hope that you can see, that our intuition speaks to us, in many different ways.

When I was young, I was never conscious of my abilities, other than seeing my Paternal Grandfather’s Spirit in my bedroom doorway, night after night, which to tell you the truth, scared the s**t out of me.

The other thing, that I thought was quite normal at the time, was that I’ve always had the ability to know stuff, even stuff that I ordinarily would have no reason to know about. It was a knowing about people or experiences. I had a fair sense when meeting someone, if they were a good person or did not have good intentions, I’ve always trusted in this instinct and it still serves me well today.

As I grew older, I dived into personal development, and during my 2nd pregnancy, I used meditation as a coping tool, to manifest a smooth pregnancy and labour – In my 1st pregnancy, I was very sick for the first trimester, and my labour went for 32hrs & I felt disempowered through the process. I internalised my labour pains, squeezing the life out of my husband’s hand and I wanted to empower myself.

This was really the start of my meditation journey, which continued beyond the birth of my youngest daughter.

The expansion of my intuitive abilities, grew naturally and I credit my parenting chapter, to placing me firmly in this soulful space. I started to really trust in my mother’s intuition, when my eldest daughter was having digestive issues, all the feedback we were receiving, did not feel right to me, and it was one of the first times, I trusted my own intuition, and followed  my gut on how to help her heal her digestive concerns. The treatment plan her doctors suggested for her, did not make any sense to me, and my “Mother Bear” instincts kicked in. As parents, we will do anything for our children’s well-being right?

I studied holistic health coaching, and my personal development kicked into a higher gear. My personal development journey, naturally, led me into the spiritual arena, where life really began to get exciting for me (and a little scary to be honest).

So I listened and binge watched many online videos, attended medical intuition workshops and Hay House conferences, I even certified myself as a Lightworker. It all felt so right, and my intuitive abilities started growing naturally through this time.

These days, I receive a lot of information through my dream state, I read aura’s & lean into my Claircognizant (Knowing), Clairsentient (Feeling) & Clairalience (Smelling) abilities when I’m my clients are welcomed into my healing room for an energy healing. I can sense my Clairaudience (Hearing), Clairvoyant (Seeing) abilities are now opening up too, as I continue to develop my intuitive abilities.

You see, I believe, our intuitive super powers, just like a muscle, gets stronger the more we use them. I believe this to be true for everyone. Everyone has the ability to use their intuition, in fact you are probably already doing so in your every day life. When you making decisions in your life, including what to eat, which way to drive to a destination or whether you’d love to go to a party you’ve been invited to, hopefully you are tuning into your intuition for guidance.

I love helping my high vibe clients discover your abilities for yourself, and as an intuitive channel, I do my best, to create a sacred safe space for you to experience to start learning how to tune into your own guidance, for yourself in our healing sessions.

It’s always fun when an energy healer brings through information for you, but I believe, we can do this for ourselves too, it all starts with listening to your intuition - It really is amazing, when you can start doing this for yourself!

Have you experienced a similar journey to me, where you’ve not realised you had intuitive abilities, and are just now, beginning to discover you do.

You starting to notice recurring number patterns, you may even be sensing or seeing spirits in your home, you are starting to receive intuitive downloads when you are out on a walk or you love playing with angel cards. These are all signs that you are embarking on a deep and meaningful journey into your own re-awakening of sorts and I applaud you for taking this leap of faith.

I am doing my best to help women just like yourself, nurture and grow your intuitive abilities through my online Soul Sister Circle and through my 1:1 Distance and In Person Energy Healing Sessions.

Perhaps you’d like to look into these for your own continued intuitive development.

My Soul Sister Circle is perfect for you, if you are keen to experience first hand how to use your intuition and connect with other women, who are already on this journey – No previous experience is required – Just jump in with both feet, I promise to support and cheer you on, in this amazing circle.

If you’d prefer my one on one attention, in a more intimate setting, then definitely check out my 1:1 Energy Healings.

I’ve included some of my recent client testimonials below, so you can read in their words, what my clients are loving about experiencing a healing first hand with me.

“Thank you soo much Kaye for opening up my spiritual world that little bit more & giving me the experience of energy healing. The energy in your hands blew me away & I am very grateful for the messages that came through for me. I learnt a lot yesterday & have already had a positive sign today. I’m soo glad I gave it a go even though I had no idea what to expect..... thank you xx” – Kelli

“It was wonderful and I’m so grateful for all the messages that came through as well and also the awesome out of body experience I had. It was beyond everything I hoped for.” – Sereena

“I had an energy healing with beautiful Kaye on Monday and it was the best experience. I’ve always been so intrigued with energy healing and Kaye is the perfect person to see. The healing gave me so much clarity on things going on in  my life and gave me a sense of re-assurance as well. It was such an amazing experience and I highly recommend seeing Kaye.” – Taliah xx

If you loved this blog post about my intuitive journey, you might also like the following blog posts I've created for you on "Aligning your Energy to become Super Productive" , "How Energy Healing Found Me" and "The one thing you need to know to connect to your Intuition".

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